Monday, March 2, 2009

AIG...Thirty Bil Mas?

OK Ok, some of you are thinking-- wouldn't it just be cheaper to start a new company instead of flushing another thirty billion with a 'B' down this cesspool?

At what point do you stop trying to resuscitate the diseased tree and spend the money on growing some new ones?

The scary part is not that the new Treasury department guy doesn't know what he's doing, or the possibility that he's in collusion with the same old boys club-- the truly terrifying thing is that these are intelligent people making really well-informed decisions and THERE WILL BE SOME TRULY CATACLYSMIC REPERCUSSIONS if we don't pump in another 30 billion. No Senate hearings, no open discussion- they all just agree that WE HAVE TO DO THIS..!!!

Damn. That means you might actually have a heart attack if you saw their balance sheet.

What I want to know is---Who were the specific individuals who let things get this bad-? Where do they live? Why aren't they in prison? If we aren't due for any financial relief, maybe we can get some emotional release by seeing these guys get keel hauled.

And oh yeah, The DOW dipped below 7000 today (not far to go for a loss of 50% of the DOW from it's historical highs).

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